Data Based Decision Making
Headquartered in New York City, Kognico LLC is a business strategy consulting company with a focus on data based decision making.
Every important business decision should be based on an analysis of the information at hand. The amount of information, the quality of the information and what you do with it, are the integral pieces that largely determine the probability of making a good decision. At Kognico, we specialize in efficiently collecting the data needed, making sure it’s the right data and ultimately efficiently analyzing the data in order to make not just the right decision but also the optimally resourced one. In other words, some problems need lots of attention, data and analysis in order to sway the probabilities into the makers’ favor, others need very little. We believe the ability to dynamically throttle resources within the decision making process is at the core of running any kind of business.
Having built, run and turned around a number of businesses, we take pride in helping business leaders with this process. The extent to which we get involved can vary greatly. Depending on resource availability, we have spent as little as one day to as much as several months and even years with one client. In other words, no problem is too small or too big as long as it matters.
Purpose Driven
Kognico spans the gamut of services from building stand-alone quantitative systems to helping re-organize entire companies, from creating optimal incentive structures for employees and clients to dispute resolution between constituents in creative projects. As long we can align ourselves with the purpose and the values of the client facing important challenges. Among others, we have experience in the following industries:
Sports and Education, operations, logistics, marketing, digital marketing
Film and Media, film finance, dispute resolution, project management, analytical screenplay evaluation, lazy writers test
Finance, quantitative finance, equities, fixed income, options, derivatives, database systems, arbitrage
Artificial Intelligence, natural language processing, words sense disambiguation, REST APIs
Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology, inter-exchange arbitrage, strategy evaluation, token economics, feasibility
Human in the Loop
Despite our unrelenting focus on data and building sufficiently optimal methodologies around the data, we are strong believers that even the most well thought-through and analysed decision can falter if we disregard human psychology. At Kognico, we take pride in communicating decisions with integrity and purpose. We believe it is just as important how we communicate as what we communicate. We take pride in spending the time to find the right tone and medium as well as building the right internal incentives for executors to become and stay motivated throughout the decision making and execution process.
At the end, decisions need to be executed on. We make it as our absolute priority to leave the client fully incentivized to execute or execute in together with the client.
Execution is everything.
Sample Areas of Expertise
Combining analytical problem solving skills with a crisp understanding of the incentive mechanisms deployed requires thoughtful new methodology building from the ground up. Whether it's economics, governance, liquid democracy, game theory, data science, machine learning or a plethora of other related fields, it’s problem solving at the core. Forget what you know about the world and start with what is driving human behavior. Then set the incentives accordingly.
A new global asset class has emerged. Tokens are currently trading on over 200 exchanges across the globe. Creating an exchange has different barriers to entry under different jurisdictions. Decentralized exchanges are decreasing those barriers even further due to the fact that assets are not required to be held in custody by those exchanges. High fragmentation brings lower transaction fees but also less liquidity for each one of those exchanges. Arbitrageurs and quantitative traders play a vital role in tying these markets together.
"Making the world a better place" is at the core of Kognico's philosophy. As such, we are predisposed to helping projects which align with us. The team possesses expertise and has experience along a broad spectrum of functions including strategic, financial as well as operational.
“Free education is abundant, all over the Internet. It’s the desire to learn that’s scarce.”
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